Many people buy shoe making sure it is good quality and is comfortable against your foot. Also check the outside to make sure it's made of quality material that stays waterproof. Some hikers like to remove parts of the inside of the shoe to get more space and air and others add to the softness. It all depends on your feet and your needs.
When you buy shoes you have to remember that fit is everything. If you order them online and receive them and you don't like the fit just send them back. Even if it's the right size some shoes for ment when walking shoes I have enjoyed the hiking a lot more. So much lighter and more agile when I move around. The only negative I have to say is if you walk in deeper water the boots can be good since they cover higher up.
If you want to learn more about different kinds of waterproof hiking shoes you can find some more detailed reviews at Just make sure that you learn as much as possible about the shoes you want to buy before you actually buy it. Most of the high quality waterproof hiking shoes will almost last a lifetime so it is important to choose the right shoe.
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